Re: (idm) $250 for a lego feet record etc.

From Gonzi Merchan
Sent Mon, Mar 30th 1998, 02:42

> I was thinking about this $250 lego feet fiasco a bit.  Now, we've heard
> all the reasons why Skam and V/vm etc don't keep stuff in print.  But I
> really don't understand why there is any reason in such extreme cases to
> do so.  Why?  two words - venture capital.  I mean, I personally would be
> willing to put up a few hundred dollars for a repress of 100 lego feet
> records or 100 vvmt01s (or maybe even enough for 500), for the simple
> reason that I'm almost positive that I could sell at least 50 lego feet
> 12"s out of my room, with no distribution aside from my own saliva and a
> bunch of stamps (hey, and if I did it, it would be at domestic prices).
> I'd make back my money pretty easily, and maybe even make a small profit.
> So I'm still bewildered as to why they don't do it.

Heheh. Instead of trying to throw money(monkey) at someone else's label,
why not talk to local musicians in your area, listen to their tracks,
find some deserving of release and make your OWN label? Be a leader, not
a follower. How do you think these labels get started in the first
place? If you have the money, do something positive with it - something
that is original. These auctions recently have been like watching the
lemmings leap.

Just because the record is selling for $250 doesn't mean that *GASP*
it's actually all that good. Had a listen to your Skampler recently? Why
would SKAM want to repress something that isn't maybe all that
spectacular to begin with when they could release something new that is
10 times better? Frankly, I'll be grateful when I can get the Skam
records that ARE in print (Boc 7 inches anyone?). Heh, ok low blow - i

The moral of the story is, DO YOUR OWN THING.
