(idm) cubase /mac update

From Charles Henry James
Sent Wed, Apr 14th 1999, 05:55

For those of you who took an interest in my complicated cubase/mac woes,
you deserve an update. After getting mac system 8.5, then Cubase 4.0r3,
then getting it all up and running: recording, monitoring, and playing
back nicely through my monitors, I tried to install some Steinberg
plug-ins and had expansion and authorization problems with recycle.
Steinberg told me that Apple has come out and admitted that 8.5 corrupts
files, and that they (apple) offered a free upgrade to 8.5.1, which
cured the bugs. And to call back after I'd done so...So I downloaded the
upgrade to 8.5.1 and my machine seems to be running very smoothly, but
recycle still won't open. Steinberg said they'd replace it for me, that
one disc or the other must be corrupted. Since ReBirth loaded flawlwsly
and plays very well, I think I agree with them. I had to create a
customized extensions folder for the sound stuff, and it seems to work
well. It may sound scary, but it's feally quite simple once you follow
directions (in the cubase manual), and it reduces crash potential
greatly, since your day to day programs like browsers and graphics
programs are in a seperate universe, available by entering the extension
manager, choosing the normal settings and restarting the computer. All
in all I'm very happy with the Cubase/Layla/mac setup so far, and I'm
finally on my way to actually putting fingers to keyboards. Seems like
my rig has been dormant for a looong time while getting up to speed with
the recording/editing monster. But I've made the leap and my little old
four track becomes just an interesting toy. Thanks to all who helped
out. More later,

Charlie James