(idm) Inaudible wilDlife Music

From Mantoid
Sent Wed, Jul 14th 1999, 22:00

Hello bleepseekers,

        So since I work with all sorts of different animals (mainly tho I
am an entomologist) last night I had to go out to a stretch of river in
eastern Illinois and catch bats in a big net.  We have this device we use
called a "bat locator," which is essentially a cell-phone-sized black box.
What it does is pick up the echolocation clicks of bats, which are
produced at frequencies inaudible to humans, slows them down to cycles we
can hear, and amplifies them.  I had never played with this thing
before...and when we got to an area heavily populated by bats the noises
coming out of the bat locator were nothing less than pure Richard Devine
plus PBO.  Incredible.  Even the other biologists remarked, "wow Vanessa,
that sounds like that weird music you listen to."  Wish I had a sampler.
