(idm) marclay/yoshihide

From Arthur B. Purvis
Sent Fri, Oct 17th 1997, 05:38

>>i've never seen
>>him perform, but i've seen Otomo Yoshihide of Ground Zero and Christian
>>Marklay maul needles, break records in half and rub them like
>>tablets across the stylus, pick up technics and drop them, slam a
>>microphonic guitar down on the platter and watch it lazy susan..

>I'd have thought that anybody could do this (as long as they could afford
>the hardware). It doesn't sound like anything I'd want to listen to.
>Sounds more like a visual thing than an aural thing, which is fair
>enough, I suppose.

Well... in Christian Marclay's case, I would say that yeah, maybe anyone
could.  Once you know basically how to jump and cut between 8 turntables,
you could probably imitate him (personally, while I have enjoyed listening
to 'Records' and 'More Encores' I haven't bought them because of limited
relisten potential, as they say).
Otomo Yoshihide is another story.  His jumps and cuts are random, but
they're unbelievably effective.  Ground Zero's track on the "Neu
Conservativ" comp on God Mountain records is _fucking_amazing_ if you want
a taste of what they're about.  I don't know how he does it, but it
totally transcends the term 'DJ.'  Really packs a punch, as they say.

The rest of the comp is a lot of excellent japanese psych/rock/fuckery,
lotta KK Null type stuff if you like that sort of thing (I do), so buyer

the humble abbott arthur purvis set his hand hereto