Re: (idm) autechre/zz top connection

From Dave Segal
Sent Fri, Oct 8th 1999, 15:09

>From: Jeff Waye/Ninja Tune <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: (idm) autechre/zz top connection
>Date: Thu, Oct 7, 1999, 7:44 PM

>Well Frank Beard and the main bearded dude came by the Ninja Tune office 
>about 2 years ago. They actually seemed pretty in touch with what was 
>going on in all music circles. And I quote  "Herbaliser...alright...I got 
>a tape we play before the gigs, it's got some electronic shit on it, I 
>know what's going on". Also, someone from a record store told me he sold 
>a Scorn record to a ZZ-Top there. They were actually fucking 
>really cool guys. They hooked us up with some all access passes for their 
>gig that night with Cheap Trick. We went and represented. 
>So's not inconceivable...

I meant no disrespect to ZZ Top; it's refreshing to know
that they're into good electronic music. I just thought it
seemed really incongruous to hear Autechresque rhythms
amid their usual high-tech boogie rock. Wonder why
they didn't go farther with this new direction.

Dave Segal
Managing Editor/Alternative Press
Reviews/BPM/Reissue Redux/Origins Of Cool
Secret Ions on WCSB Thursdays 9-11PM EST

>>I know this is going to sound like a joke, but
>>I just listened to the new ZZ Top album (hey, this job
>>has its perks) and, to my utter shock, heard what
>>sounded like a blatant rip-off of Ae's "Second Bad
>>Vilbel" rhythm. If you have a promo (I wouldn't
>>recommend buying it), check out track 8 on ZZ Top's _XXX_
>>album; it's called "Dreadmonboogaloo." I'm sure
>>Booth & Brown would be flattered.