Re: (idm) Re: Space/Fax

From Adam J Weitzman
Sent Fri, Oct 31st 1997, 21:10

Guy Elden wrote:

> Ok then... I took a look through it. Now, I want to be absolutely clear about
> this, so let me ask for an "unofficial" opinion on the following...
> (unless you happen to be an Attorney at Law, in which case I'll be glad to
> hear an "official" opinion.  :)
> I digitally transfer a CD I bought at HMV to DAT. I give the DAT away to a
> friend, in exchange for nothing. I can not be sued, no criminal charges
> brought against me, etc..., as a result of said action.
> As far as I can tell by reading the Act, this is true. Comments?

My unofficial (since I am not an attorney) opinion is that you cannot be sued.
Your action, being noncommercial, should be protected by the AHRA.  The royalties
paid by the company that made the media (which is, in all likelihood, included in
the cost of the media to the consumer) go into a fund that pays all interested
copyright parties for your use.

-- Adam J Weitzman -- Individual, Inc. -- --
   "We need your fax number in order to respect your wishes not to
    receive unsolicited faxes." - a Microsoft registration screen