Re: videos

From 8bit
Sent Thu, Sep 22nd 1994, 04:48 writes:

> Most of the soundtracks for the visuals (I think there is 5 separate
> videos) come from the AI2 comp, but one of the videos soundtrack is
> Polygon Window from the first AI comp. and the last videos' soundtrack
> is BassCadet by Autechre which doesn't appear on any of the AI comps,
> but their album on Warp instead.

i saw that video on oddly enough the USA cable television network early
(3am) one morning in between crap movies. i loved it.. despite being
obviously a computer-rendered sort of thing it had a very definite organic
feel to it and worked perfectly with the music. i would love to find out
why a big cheezy commercial cable network best known for it's _really_ bad
docudramas showed an IDM video (it was credited to Warp UK records at the
end i noticed too, not the US distributors of Warp stuff) and if they have
ever done this before. Anyone?

- Dan
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