Re: [AH] And the lucky winner is Psycho/Analog Shift Register...

From Peter Grenader
Sent Thu, Jan 22nd 2004, 17:02

Milton's dad was too preoccupied in Milton's scornful teenage years to
answer this the first time and I'm sorry for that.  That kid's driving me

Short form answer:  yes

Longer: You can use a sequential switch to gang Milton stages together -
just use single or combined A/B pulse bank pattern outputs and the SS will
switch upon receiving those pulses and toggle banks at that point.  And
having the ability to control direction makes for even more interesting
patterns from multiple banks.  If it's just random however, while Milton can
do it, so can other sequencers - Modcan, Serge and Doepfer among them
(Doepfer only if also fitted with the A-154 Sequencer Controller).

What the others can't do that Milton can though is that the pulse banks can
be externally disabled via a gate signal, which is kind of cool in this
scenario because you can enter another point of unpredictability into the
mix.   An external signal to that input will turn the pulse banks on and off
as that gate changes state.

Not trying to be one of those 'mine is best' guys however,  in a true analog
environment,  the Doepfer MAQ would probably also yield some
way' unpredictable patterns as each bank can be set for independent
direction. In this scenario, you simply use the third bank as the advancing
pulse source for the sequential switch - just dial up full voltage from a
given stage to create a gate signal.  The only caveat to this being in using
the Deopfer SS (there may be others that are also effected by this), in
order to operate correctly it requires a TRIGGER input to advance, not a
gate.  There are ways of doing this, including another Doepfer module, the
A165 Trigger Modifier or taking the pulse out of an Analogue Systems Gate
delay set to no delay. I've even created pulses form gates by using it to
trigger an A/R envelope generator set to a short transient.

But this is entering into the whole 'how much random is enough' argument
which I feel is the next most overrated synth gripe after VCO stability.

bottom line:  there are a few ways of doing this.

Another interesting optionis using a totally independent trigger source for
advancing the sequential switch.  I simply gang that through an AND gate
with the same clock advancing the the sequencer for the sync. Much fun.


john mahoney wrote:

> Zoran:
> Shift registers are a great way just to delay a CV, thanks for mentioning
> them.
> I thought you wanted the ability to play a random sequence, too. Using a
> shift register is similar to using audio delay lines as suggested by Paul
> Wagorn.
> Shift registers and delays will miss the first few notes -- or not,
> depending on how you use them. That's something to consider.
> The Psycho module can add limited randomness, but on Milton an entire
> sequence is randomly addressable.
> Peter:
> Please see my post dated Wednesday, January 21, 2004 4:53 PM; the subject is
> "Re: [AH] Is there a hardware sequencer that supports playing the same
> sequence twice...". (Let me know if you've deleted it.) In it, I describe a
> way to use a Milton, A/B switches, and sample & holds to multiplex a Milton.
> It's not that unusual or complex of a patch, but I'd like to hear what
> Milton's Father thinks of it. ;-)
> --
> john
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Zoran Bosnjak" <>
>> I would like to thank everybody who spent some time to respond to my
> inquiry
>> about sequencer that can play the same sequence twice at the same time,
> but
>> from different starting points. Somebody thought of this function (at
> least
>> in electronic form) probably decades ago, and Serge unofficial site calls
> it
>> "sequential sample and hold module". I feel good, because when I was
>> thinking about this yesterday, I kept repeating to myself "it's gotta be
>> something with sample & hold, but how do you store voltage for defined
>> numebr of triggers?" So I was close.
>> I am much happier to eventually acquire this function separately, in a
> form
>> of a moduIe, instead of a seqencer, as I originaly imagined. That said,
> here
>> is what I know is available (thanks Les , without your reply I would not
>> discover this):
>> - Analog Shift Register (Serge)
>> - Psycho Shift Register (Cyndustries) - very complex
>> Regards,
>> Zoran