Re: (idm) Windowlicker

From Hrvatski
Sent Fri, Apr 2nd 1999, 05:10

>> If the Windowlicker 12" would have been made by someone
>> unknown it probably would even get much attention at
>> all.

>If this were an EP that I heard anonymously, I'd buy it. I like the

Completely agree. Track two (that %$^%$#^ equation) completely rules. As
does Nannou, for completely different reasons each, of course. Fuck the
cult of personality, all that tank/bank/invention mess. The guy makes
stellar tracks, keeps technologically informed, has keen melodic
sensibilities, and uses great SOUNDS. Closest we'll have to perfection for
a long time. And he's on a godamm major here in the US (in fact, he's
solely responsible for keeping SIRE in business this quarter). Yr
collective nitpicking is getting a bit petty. Be excited about somtehing
for once... -Våt

np- Pomassl/Eshun - Architectronics (Construction Sounds) - Craft

PO BOX 382864.  Cambridge, MA 02238