RE: (idm) warp/mp3

From Lance C McGannon
Sent Thu, Apr 15th 1999, 22:11

At 01:46 PM 4/15/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Of Course, often in America, the albums that really make the money are 
>the ones that pre-teens would buy anyway. In my opinion, MP3 really 
>won't catch on in the mainstream until it becomes user freindly. 
>People who are around computers realize how to copy/use the encoded 
>format, but your average Joe would rather just play a disc. 

Actually, the mp3 format is about to become 
a lot more user friendly. In the next few 
months the ability to play mp3s and 
streaming mp3s is being incorporated into
the Real Media Player. Currently there is
a 3rd party Real Media plugin that allows
the player to do this but according to a recent
article in Internet World magazine, that feature
will be a standard Real Player feature later this
year. So instead of entering long file locations 
and/or finding mp3 files on your machine, you 
can just click on a quick link.

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states