(idm) The Revolution

From Peter Becker
Sent Mon, Apr 12th 1999, 18:41

"provides funding for the Revolution." ?
This is sarcasm, right?

Generally, funds from drug deals go to support the BMW driving, Polo wearing,
McDonald's eating, consumer based material, dollar ( fill in denomination )
white male hierarchy.

I'd start buying drugs if it helped fund the Revolution.....imagine,
ecstacy dollars
funding counter culture anti establishment warfare. Wow, what a day that'd be.
Here's 30 bucks for my bunk pills, now go shoot a bank CEO with the money I
just handed you.


Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 17:35:02 EDT
From: xxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx
Subject: (idm) reynolds versus reynolds

When you have suburban kids with money to burn spending thirty dollars on
bogus ecstasy pills, it bolsters the coffers of the underclass (drug dealers,
riff-raff, street hustlers) and provides funding for the Revolution.