From laerm Sent Tue, Oct 21st 1997, 00:14
well, i had this idea awhile back, then lost email and never got a chance to do it. but, the most important album thing refreshed my memory... okay, we do best of idm every year since when...'94? '95? okay, '94 (i checked the page). anyways, how about a best of idm from previous years? that way, we can vote for saw1 or bytes or whatever. i'll tabulate. so, who wants it? here's my ideas for questions. if you feel i've left something out, let me know and i'll add it. this will be unlike the usual best of idm voting because we will not nominate, we'll just go straight to voting. it would take far too long for everyone to agree which releases merely should be nominated, so just vote for what you feel and it goes towards the final tally. one person=one vote=one point. (yes, a similar poll was already conducted, but results weren't really...conclusive, or final, if you will.) (whenever i refer to "idm", i mean the junk we all listen to. substitue your own name if you want. electronic listening music, alectronica, whatever.) SECTION I: IDM CLASSICA is lfo right OR who are the true originators? (sorry--we're back reference. :) ) what is the first song you consider idm? what is the best album that can be called idm from before 1994? what is the best song that can be called idm from before 1994? which artist/group contributed the most to the early days of idm? which label contributed most to the early days of idm? what was the landmark year for idm (the year containing the most significant releases, most important new artists)? SECTION II: IDM APOCRYPHA going back to the advent of electronic dance music (let's call it 1968, a nice post-kraftwerk-ian year), which three albums (non-idm*) most influenced and contributed to idm? ...which three single songs (non-idm) most influenced and contributed to idm? ...which three artists (once again, non-idm) most influenced and contributed to idm? * non-idm means artists/songs/albums normally considered outside the realm of idm, i.e. can, miles davis, nurse with wound; or artists who released albums/albums/songs not normally considered idm, i.e. cabaret voltaire's early work, psychic tv, brian eno. SECTION III: OTHER in your opinion, which artist, although never having released anything idm-related, contributed most to the ideas/concepts of idm? and, if possible, could you give a reason? (i'm just curious. if you say kc & the sunshine band and can support it, more power to ya. i'm also going to post all the results on the web, and the reasons will be there, too (anonymous if you want it).) which event transpired that, without which, idm could not have existed? (obvious answer of invention of synth excluded. also excluded: rdj's birth. no, just kidding. :) ) who/whom is the most important group/artist related to idm that is often overlooked and never given their full credit? thanks for your time and effort. also, if anyone knows, could someone tell me the size of the idm list? i'd like to figure out my turnout so we can tell how accurate it is. like i said, i will post the results on the list, but the complete story will go onto my page. the voting deadline will be midnight, november 14th. thanks, folks. i figure i should be get a pretty good turnout because this is the only list i've been on where the members are actually genuinely interested in the music and are able to form coherent opinions. :) * #### a disturbance in a system. #### laerm. #### when the gods want to punish you, they answer your prayers...