Re::(idm) info/reviews?

From flesh-coloured anti-aircraft alarm
Sent Wed, May 19th 1999, 21:46

>Somatic responses

"broken beats."  let's say it's near-IDM complexity stuff that tends towards 
the distorted side of things, sort of coming more from the hardcore side 
than the detroit side.  their uncivilized world 12" has been keeping my 
eardrums freaking for a while.  some of their sounds are a bit cliche, but 
they always manage to save themselves with good structural sense.  it's just 
different.  somehow.


1st (torn/andar) on DIN: IDM as envisioned by the DIN people - variegated 
rhythmic things, deep melodies and ambience, somehow complex but "reduced" 
at the same time.  quite essential.

2nd (icol diston) on DIN: building from the nice melodies more towards an 
AeIDM sound.  still good, just a little busier and not as "deep."

7" on city centre offices: even a bit more conventional than the 2nd 
release, but some more really nice melodies.  somewhat similar to the later 
markant releases (in over-pricing as well as sound), but that melodic sense 
prevails again.  much more worthwhile than funkstorung.
but what isn't?

turn on rear foggers,

            "o mutante é mais feliz/feliz porque
             na nova mutação/a felicidade é feita de metal"

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