Re: (idm) vinyl storage

From Irene McC
Sent Sat, Feb 13th 1999, 16:40

>From earlier mail:  

> anyone have any alternative ideas to the multi-colored plastic
> milk crates littering our place now? 

Ha!  So glad this happens the world over :-)  I've gotten to purloining 
of crates down to a fine art - then leave them bobbing in the 
swimming pool for about a week to get the worst of the grime off 
with the help of chlorine and pool chemicals.

It struck me recently on visiting another music glutton friend how 
our homes have become shrines dedicated to our music 

I'm still looking for a good (and portable) way to store CD's.  A 
friend who DJ's off CD's has his packed in flight cases with built-in 
divisions, but they're quite expensive {sigh}.  Currently all 500 of 
mine are spread out over shelves, shoeboxes and Tupperwares.
