Re: (idm) Final Note on This CD Burning

From Bryan Bickel
Sent Sat, Nov 1st 1997, 00:54

this is exactly what I was trying to avoid by putting these tracks on my
web page....


From: Ami Mukerjee <>
To: Chris.Hilker <>; Ironic Dance Music
Subject: (idm) Final Note on This CD Burning
Date: Wednesday, October 29, 1997 4:59 PM

>In case you haven't noticed, a lot of the marginal independent labels
>that specialize in idm are not exactly swimming in money (GPR had to
>suspend operations for a year or two, because they simply didn't have
>the money to release anything!). Simply put, bootlegs (especially ones
>like Ami Mukerjee proposes) undercut the ability of legitimate labels
>and artists to release music.

Im sorry all, what started out as a genuine offer to help the rest of the
listmembers to be able to listen to these beautiful, yet UNAVAILABLE

I apologize for starting this thread and now I am made to look like someone
evil. Shit.

Before I go into any of this burning I am going to check with my lawyer.

Its a damn shame that with all the freedom in this country, I might not be
able to do something which CLEARLY isnt harming anyone:

1. Jimmy Cauty doesn't make Jack Shit of off Space. It isn't around
2. Tetsu Inoue doesnt make Jack Shit of of Ambiant Otaku. It isn't around

Sadly, those who might have been turned on to the KLF or Tetsu, or FAX will
not even get to hear them.
     I too am a musician, (although more of a hobbyist musician) and I know
damn well how hard it is to get noticed, appreciated, or make money in the
business. I would NEVER ever subvert a musician, or anyone for that matter,
out of their just rewards.....
     I can hear all the legal mumbo jumbo bullshit in the world, and it
means nothing to me because ethically I hold myself to something much
higher than laws. But sadly, I have to follow them even when they DON'T
make sense.
     Enough said. I won't speak about this anymmore. To those who expressed
interest in the CDs I still have your addresses. Lets hope something can
(legally) be worked out.

A. Mukerjee
Vassar College

"Laws are like cobwebs; where the small flies get caught but the big break
ones through."
            - Unknown
