RE: (idm) sample my monkey

From Ayling
Sent Thu, Jun 10th 1999, 16:15

Figured I better speak up before this great thread disappears...

> Personally I like samples that are recognizable, especially 
> when they are
> put together in a clever and ironic manner (think EBN or Steinski).  I
> think it is generally obvious whether someone is doing 
> something new and
> different with the sample vs. when they are using it to 
> thinly veil their
> own lack of ideas (think puff daddy).

I'm somewhat surprised that nobody has mentioned hiphop DJ's/turntablists.
They were the originators in many ways of sampling recognizable beats and
other "memorable" snippets of songs (through the use of technology -
turntables, a re-presentational instrument). I'd hate to see people conclude
that the sampling/repetition of beats in hiphop only exists because of a
lack of original ideas. Granted... a lot of hophop production today sucks
(think puff daddy).
