(idm) Liquid Jungle Sky Entertainment Head

From Andrew Hime
Sent Fri, Oct 17th 1997, 11:06

> 1)  This list has its Left Coast jungle headz, but what about anybody in the
> know about the New York scene?  On that note, I'd like to inquire about a few
> Liquid Sky releases.  Anyone heard the new 1.8.7 album?  Also, I've heard

No, but having known Joe from the newsgroups back in the day and having
heard his music lately, I'm interested.

> mixed things about Genetic Flaw by Wally, and Soulslinger's album--any
> comments?  Are any of the This is Jungle Sky/This is Home Entertainment/Fuck
> NY Jungle comps really outstanding?  And anyone gone out and bought Dog leg

They put out so many comps, and I want to get all of them, but the way
they name them and such, I can't figure out what's what.

I have Liquid Sky 2 and 4 (Nirvana). 4 is really great. 2 is okay.

Both feature a track by one Marshall H. The one on 2, "One Love (I Feel
It)" is really funky, kinda grows on you. The one on 4, "I Wish" had me
screaming "OH MY GAWD." I managed to dig up what looks to be a single
by him on www.gemm.com, and found it listed on the website for Liquid
Sky (www.tekknow.com/liquidsky - not updated in ages, nor all that well
designed) under the name DJ Marshall Hansen. Anybody know if it's the
same guy? Where'd he come from? Why's he so good?

Does Liquid Sky sell direct? I would assume so since Carlos runs the
store. They have a phone number I can call to gush sycophantically?

> Left by Wally and Swingsett?  I gave it a listen in-store, and it sounded
> like Big Soup-esque twisted/abstract trip-hop, but much more inventive, with
> live vocals on a few tracks, plus one killer drum n' bass track that really
> ripped my head off.  Any reviews?

I've heard good reviews. I dunno, you made the exact post I had planned
to make... I love Liquid Sky. I also love the jungle compilation
records sm:)e had put out on funky colored vinyl. Jamie Meyerson, Look
Bitch Sound System...

Sometimes I feel way too mainstream for this list.