(amb) + Penn State Electronic Music Fest +

From cevallos
Sent Wed, Jul 1st 1998, 14:50


We are planning to have an electronic music festival here @ Penn State
sometime during the Spring 1999 semester.  We are in the initial stages
still but things look good b/c I got an inside source in student
government that tells me that the staff that put together "Ska Fest 98"
got almost 8 grand to put on their production.  We want to showcase as
many different musical styles as possible.  The BIG ballroom would be the
main dance room (house, dnb, breaks, whatever), the Fishbowl (side room)
would be the ambient/chill out room, and the third room would be the acid
jazz/hip hop/downtempo room.  We are trying to figure out what acts to
bring and how much they would cost us.  As a little side note, we are not
making a dime off this festival: since it is on University property it
must be free for all students and if we actually get permission to charge
non-students, it is illegal for us to make a profit.  At any rate, as of
right now we probably want at least 1 live PA and as many DJs as we can
fit (we have 3 rooms in the Student Union).  If you have a demo tape (PA
or DJ), please send it to:

        PSU Electronic Music Fest '99
        c/o Pedro Cevallos
        201 Vairo Blvd.
        Suite: 255-A
        State College, PA 16803

Please include all booking info.  I have to admit that Outside, Fila
Brazillia and Coldcut are the first 3 acts on our wish list.  Does
anybody know how much they charge per gig?  I know the airfare from the
UK here would put a HUGE dent in our budget as it is, but hey it's worth
a shot!  Plus we can have local talent handle the rest of the festival.

We also want to support national acts and labels (Ubiquity, Astralwerks,
8th Dimension, Sweetmother, Mephisto, Mammoth, 18th street lounge,
Strictly Rhythm, etc) as well as labels from our Northern neighbors in
Canada (Mo Funk, Mute, etc).

The University Concert Committee here has several different sound and
light systems, but we might have to rent some (or parts of some) out for
the festival.  If you have connections in this area, please also let us
know contact info and prices.

Finally, does anybody have contact info for the following:

        Mixmaster Morris (UK)
        Viperhouse (VT)
        Kruder and Dorfmeister (Austria)
        DJ Shadow (CA)
        Rabbit in the Moon (FL)
        DJ Craze (FL)
        Thievery Corporation (DC)
        Cut Chemist (CA)
        Q-burn's Abstract Message (FL)

Please backchannel all leads to me via snail mail or email.

Thanks and take care everybody,

Pedro Cevallos
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
            -- John Lennon --