Re: (idm) Bjork on A&E

From Danny Freer
Sent Thu, May 14th 1998, 05:18

On Wed, 13 May 1998, Christopher Fahey wrote:

> There was a hour long show about Bjork on A&E a few weeks ago. In part of it
> she was walking on the beach with a little box about the size of a cigar box
> in her hand. It was black, boxy, and had lots of little knobs and buttons on
> it. She said it was a portable sampler/sequencer/digital effects machine,
> and implied that it also was a drum machine. She said the composes her
> tracks on this as a kind of musical sketch pad. Does anyone have any idea
> what this nifty little device is?

It's probably a cellular phone so that she can call Howie B and Plaid and
tell them to write her music.