From jjdavis Sent Sat, Nov 29th 1997, 23:23
On Wed, 26 Nov 1997 22:42:32 -0500, Niraj Agarwalla <> said: > Can anyone give me the addresses, phone numbers, web pages of >any record stores in the Boston area that specialize in idm >music? Thanks. >-- >Niraj Agarwalla -- -- > > check the rotator locator 280 stores strong and countin' best bet is satellite on mass ave although you can usually find a few jewels nestled in the un-intelligent chaff at some of the newbury st outlets (newbury comics, virgin, etc.) peeeeeeeece, Jeff Davis <pHlow> ____--~~~~~~vvvv~~~~ oooo812.831.7846 xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx____---- ( ( ( vvvv ~~~~~~ooooooooooooo ___----( ( \ \ \ \ \ vvv ooooooooooooooooooo ____---- ( \ \ \ \ \ \ \