(idm) Not for Threes

From Andrew Cowper
Sent Wed, Jan 21st 1998, 17:16

>> You might also listen to the Plaid album 'Not for Threes' on Warp, 
>No, this one sucks, though the IDM "If It's On Warp, It Must Be Good" 
>club will protest loudly.

You can't deflect arguments like that, mate! You forgot the all powerful
"If its by Plaid, it must be good" club. 

Anyhow, Not for Threes is defintely one of my favourites of last year.
More tuneful than a sack of Val Doonican, groovier than Rolf Harris and
Esquivel combined, warmer than honey on toast and a mug of tea.

Best moments - (sorry I'm not up on tune names)

The one with the ultra fuzzy fluffy drone out of which gradually emerges a tune.
This one knots my stomach up, its so pretty.

The carnival one with the doo-ooo-ooo-ooo-oh singing at the beginning and the best
rolling piano line since the (plaid produced) Kushti single (finest drum&bass ever? perhaps)

The ambient one towards the end of side 3 - dreamy dreamy. 

Not for threes is EZ listening of prime quality. Nothing harsh here, just sublime
tunes, funky drums, and bibbly bobbly basslines. In a manner of speaking...
