paul shutze (was Re: (idm) muslimgauze.)

From Brett McCormick
Sent Thu, Feb 12th 1998, 08:29

That's why you buy them used, so your money doesn't go to support such
things :)

Seriously though, I haven't heard much talk of paul shutze around here
and as far as I'm concerned he writes some brilliant stuff.  I started
out with The Rapture of Metals, which is the second disc in the New
Maps of Hell "series".  Very nice (dare I say) "ambient".  I'll give
it a listen and maybe post a review.  After hearing this disc I had to
investigate, so I picked up New Maps of Hell (also very good) and Site
Anubis.  I cannot recommend Site Anubis enough!  I beleive that it is
a series of live sessions splice together after the fact.  Very nice
jazzy (dare I say it again) "ambient".  If I could describe music, I
would, but words fail me!  I must write when it is fresh in my mind.

I also picked up some in his "deux ex machina" series.. hasn't quite
grabbed me in the same way, but they're growing on me.  I saw an
interview with him in Outburn magazine as well, maybe I'll post it..


On Wed, 11 February 1998, at 12:35:51, wells wrote:

> that's a pretty sad viewpoint. you've got to realize that by buying
> people's music you're directly supporting them and any ideologies they
> posess. would you really want your money going to someone who supports the
> killing of Jews? would you buy a neo-Nazi techno compilation because it had
> _cool_ beats?
> i hope not.
> ---
> : wells oliver /
> :