Re: (idm) Combustible Edison

From Greg Clow
Sent Fri, Oct 9th 1998, 22:01

On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, Rodney Perkins wrote:

> What is a comparable sound? This Combustible Edison seems like it may
> resemble The Gentle People or other ez/chee-z electronic hybrids. 

There's a *little* of that, but for the most part, it's not as blatantly
electronic as the Gentle People, etc. And I think ComEd have always drawn
from a different area of the "lounge" pool - while GP and others are
heavily influenced by EZ-listening pop sounds, ComEd are more of the
exotika/tiki/Esquivel school. 

So yeah, there are a few similarities, but all in all, I wouldn't use the
Gentle People as a point of reference.
