Subject: Re: (idm) david holmes

From David Hampson
Sent Thu, Oct 15th 1998, 22:23

>>I dunno about the street samples being "the only part of the entire album
original", but one of the interludes _is_ a favorite part of the album for
It's a guy rapping over a beat that sounds like it was constructed from
musicians playing on overturned barrels & buckets & things. Too bad it's so
short (around a minute)...<<

"Head Rush on Lafayette" - that was my favourite too!  And the guy drops his
phone number at the end too - we'll all have to call him up
(212-2404-9530840) and tell him he's uncredited on the album.

The other interlude that cracked me up was the gay sounding kid who wasn't
allowed to dance at the punk club cos they thought he was moshing... and the
girl going on about James Bond and then she argues with the guy who thinks
Shaft would kick his ass!

The first album was cool but in a different way - it was more like a film
soundtrack with a dance music undercurrent while "Let's Get Killed" reverses

On a more stupid note, I always though the outline on the cover was a fierce
dog rushing headlong out of the CD - the two arms dangling down are like
paws.  Guess I'm on the wrong list.