Re: (idm) brusseler platz question.

From schneide
Sent Wed, Jan 28th 1998, 12:54

> when mouse on mars played in london a few months ago they had a group
> supporting them called brusseler platz (sp?).they were good. i expected
> to be hearing a lot of them.but no, does anyone know anything
> about them and have they released anything yet? someone told me that a
> member of m.o.m. is in the group. is that true?

Bruesseler Platz 10a is the address of the A-Musik record store in Cologne.
BTW, A-Musik has a web site:
There's also a label page. I have seen several 12" under the name
Bruesseler Platz 10a, one sounded very noisy. Maybe that's what you're looking
