(idm) Re: tired of amen breaks, etc.

From Tom Millar
Sent Tue, Jun 8th 1999, 20:38

I hate those songs with minor 9th chords in 'em.
Actually anything in a minor key just makes me sick.
It's so played out, man. And 4/4 time signatures.
And snare/clap hits on beats 2 and 4.
And reso filters... bandpass filters on techstep basslines...
the 303... the 808... anything by roland actually...
and fuzz-click-pop noises... and DR packaging... minimalism... all that
shit. Hate it.


Some things are used a lot because they _work_. I for one fully support
the Amen break- If sample libraries were like bars, it would be the
draft beer.
