(idm) Re: Vibert Hip-Hop

From Edward Pond
Sent Fri, Jan 9th 1998, 11:52

Message text written by blipvert:
> I'm interested in the new hip-hop tracks produced by Vibert.
> Anyone have titles or the name of the label? Opinions or reviews
> of the records would be great, too.

I bought one of the records you're talking about but it's in
Southampton and I can't remember much about it apart from the
name Asylum and the fact that I was VERY disappointed.

I love most of Luke's music, especially his melodies and also
when he gets down with his drums like in 'Get you head down'
but the Asylum record did nothing for me. The beats were OK I
suppose but the rapping was that style where the MC just talks
fast and seems to be ignoring the beats. Why?

Please don't let me put you off the release though, you might
like it. It's just that I didn't. And I was really looking
forward to some hip-hop from the man.

Take care.
