Re: (idm) Scala

From Superfuzz
Sent Tue, Jan 19th 1999, 04:43

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Clow <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 10:55 AM
Subject: (idm) Scala

>Finally found a copy of Scala's "Compass Heart" on the weekend. Really
>wonderful stuff. I like the alternation between "pop" songs with vocals
>and the instrumental tracks.

Ahh... instrumental tracks... now I can go out and finally buy this thing
(not that I have anything against whatsername... Peacock or whatever... I
love her). I've been waiting to hear even the tiniest bit of info about this
LP since it came out.

>But now, I need to find the "companion" album that Too Pure released
>around the same time. Has anyone in Toronto seen it anywhere? I'd like to
>buy it locally if possible.

I certainly haven't seen it, but I remember when the "Slide" EP was reissued
a few months ago, there was a black sticker on the cover which said "From
the forthcoming album, 'To You In Alpha'"... I *LOVE* that fucking EP, BTW.
Probably my favourite Scala/Seefeel thing ever. Period.

>And while I'm on the topic, would anyone be interested in exchanging a CD
>copy of Scala's "Beauty Nowhere" for my barely played vinyl copy? Same
>with the Aurobindo LP (played a little more, but still in excellent

I think I played my "Beauty Nowhere" 12" once. :)  I didn't like it nearly
as much as "Slide".

Aurobindo? Que?

>I also picked up that super-cheap Soup-Disk sampler disc and I'm listening
>to it right now. Very good so far. Did anyone else happen to notice who
>compiled it? It's a name that's pretty well known around these parts... :)

I bought this and listened to it the other day... nothing on it really
caught my attention, except the names in the liner notes... :)