RE: (idm) dub down in philly

From martin burbridge
Sent Sat, Feb 13th 1999, 00:27

> The legendary “Godfather of Dub”...
> L E E    ‘ S C R A T C H ’    P E R R Y
> performing live with
> M A D    P R O F E S S O R    &   T H E   R O B O T I K S   B A N D
> plus opening acts just added:
> T H E   H E R B A L I S E R
> R O O T S   M A N U V A

yes, yes, yes. caught the same perry line up at tla last year, a v. smokin
experience, w/ perry in righteous form covering "roast fish", "crazy
baldheads" and a powherhouse dub locomotive made out of "papa was a rolling
stone", among the many highlights. the m. professor's mix w/ persuasive and
effective but not overwhelming, leaving perrys subtle rhythms intact. does
anyone know if its the same line up in cambridge 2 nights later.
particularly are the ninjas on board for th haul.
