Re: (idm)what is the "live demo" tape

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Sun, Jan 25th 1998, 00:08

> >> >>You obviously haven't heard the "Live Demo" tape.
> >> >
> neither have i...anyone wanna illuminate...?  thanx....
> tom w

BlackDog live 1997 tape... Live in june 1st 1997 in Toronto... i had 
extended the offer to copy them for anyone who wanted a copy after 
ken d. posted to the list to someone to find someone who had a copy 
and have them make a copy when they requested one (limited to 200 (? 
believe thats what it was... now one copy less as after copying 
*many* tapes for people, mine has been chewed hardcore =)

I have a few dubs left, but all are claimed by folks who have been 
waiting a *long* time for me to get copies off or for people whose 
tapes just never made it all the way through the mail to them... 
(*all* which are going out next wednesday...!)

possibly the black dog crew will be kind enough to allow me to 
realaudio up the performance and put it up @ my black dog page. I 
know that there was a page @ the official black dog page that had 
said they were working on getting it online, but it never seemed to 
get there... i've the time and resources to do it, just need to get 
permission... (believe i've put enough audio material online without 
permission thus far for a lifetime - or more) /// looking for reason
blackdog, vvm, whitezone-l, slipdisc
C.Gosselin, PO Box 8264, Santa Rosa, CA 95407