(idm) Jockey Slut

From abenn
Sent Tue, Oct 20th 1998, 17:28

Between everyone in our house, we get just about all the music magazines
going: - Wire, Mixmag, Muzik, Future Music, The Mix, Dj, On, Jockey Slut
but Jockey Slut is by far my fave, the one I reeeally look forward to
reading, only wish it came out every month nstead of every 2nd.

Not only are they more in touch, on the cuttin edge, with all the little
exciting happenings, the more underground IDMie stuff but I also love their
graphics, their whole layout, styleee and their attitude, plus they're more
of a laff than any of the other ones!  It also makes a welcome change not
to be confronted with a barrage of glossy photos of Page 3 type, feathered
up and feather brained, fluffy bikini slappers shovin it all in yer face,
edition after edition, which a high proportion of the other dance mags all
seem to have a proclivity towards showing ... SAD! zzzzzzzzz .... plus if I
have to read just one more article on the amorous antics of arses in Ibiza
... Yawwwwwwn!  (tho I do think Jockey Slut have lost the plot in this
months edition with Bentley Rhythm Ace on da cover!)
