(idm) Analogue Bar 1 (Aphex-related)

From Sebestyen Dezso
Sent Thu, Feb 19th 1998, 12:00

Hi IDMers,

I've found the following on the URL

(1998) Anologue Bar 1

Does anybody have any info on this release?

Anyway, if you have live material on audio or video casette, please
contact me. I would really appreciate it if you could help me getting
live Aphex-material. Thanks in advance.

The M@@Kid was speaking...

    :=====;=;:     -------------------------------------------------------
   ;WWWWWXWWWWI     <<<The M@@Kid a.k.a Sebi>>>     (original since 1977)
    =iii;XWMWWW;    Transfer speed: 100 characters/sec. Case iNSeNsiTivE>
        RWW IWWM    Closing all open streams. Misc info: xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx
      ,MWYi  iWWI  .elte.hu or xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxxx.xx. No homepages yet.
      XX;     iWW: (read L->R) BAR CODE 52169382495 Ending Transmission...
               =BI -------------------------------------------------------