From Sham Beam
Sent Thu, May 22nd 2014, 10:55

What is this Elekrosluch you speak of...googles...ah, that looks fun!

- Sham Beam

On 5/22/2014 7:20 PM, Esa Ruoho wrote:
> Hi, does anyone know if there are any (serious/hobbyist) IDM DIY groups
> on the web that would focus on either sound or visual-generation with
> self-made devices? Having recently ordered the Elektrosluch 2 device
> from a Crowdfund-project, I'm extremely eager to find out if anyone here
> has built a Tesla Spirit Radio, for instance.
> Yours, Esa
> (Remixcomp, Remixselection_One, Moments
> added!)