Re: (idm) Whether Chantal`s actually any good.

From Daniel K. Taylor
Sent Sat, Aug 8th 1998, 00:47

id give her props for admitting idm is a good thing. she's always been 
involved in some sort of electronic experimentation...with other people 
like barney sumner, 808 state, etc...

>>at least chantal isn't some moron halfwit who prances around 
pretending to
>>be a fairy or mystic or some other annoying
>oh, mother of god!
>you can't see how much bjork's done for techno/idm in the US as 
compared to
>how else is the avg. American consumer going to hear music from Massey,
>Plaid and Mark Bell?
>and she's more of a musician than you give her credit for.

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