(idm) senking 20' to 2000, a bit of chocolate

From laerm
Sent Wed, Jun 30th 1999, 02:18

this thing is great. it's the best one so far, easy. it sounds a bit like
wat would happen if peter gabriel and plastikman got together (the
melodies are reminiscent of some of PG's old soundtrack stuff, like
_birdy_; and the sounds and arrangement are kinda plastikman _consumed_
era). but that's not really an accurate description. a real good 18

this is the only thing i've heard from senking. any recommendations on
where to go next?

on the chocolate tip...the guineo record is good, dammit. even the pbo mix
(and i've been generally unimpressed with all pbo so far, save one or two
tracks on _ischemic folks_). it's...well, let's just say it makes me want
to play basketball and turn my cap around backwards more than mase makes
me want to.

a disturbance in a system.                                            ####
laerm. @voicenet.com                                                  ##:#
                          ohh, the devil is in me/ohh, the spirit is in me
                                         i don't know what i should do now
icq:5562209                                    show me what i should be doing