Re: (idm) New Porter Ricks...

From Lance C McGannon
Sent Tue, Jun 30th 1998, 01:23

At 10:16 AM 6/30/98 +1200, you wrote:
>On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Lance C. McGannon wrote:
>| I see that there is a new porter ricks 12" out this week called Trident. 
>| Supposedly it goes back to the earlier deep aquatic dubby techno sound
>| but i haven't heard it yet. 
>I was just curious, cos I never figured this out - is 'Biokinetics'
>earlier or later stuff? 

Biokinetics is a compilation of sorts compiling
tracks from three previous Chain Reaction Porter 
Ricks 12"s:

. Porter Ricks: Port of Transition 12" (Chain Reaction/CR 003)
. Porter Ricks: Nautical Dub/Tidal Mix 12" (Chain Reaction/CR 014)
. Porter Ricks: Port of Nuba 12" (Chain Reaction/CR 009)

All three of the above 12"s as well as the cd came out in 1996.

>When I got 'Porter Ricks' I thought it sounded like earlier material
>compiled together. I guess they may have just taken a turn for the raw,
>but yeah. I much prefer the first CD overall...

The Porter Ricks cd on on Force Inc is also a comp
cd of sorts. It contains tracks from four previous Porter
Ricks eps on Force Inc all released in 1997. During the
production of the Exposed & Spoil eps the Porter
Ricks guys did some work with the Techno Animal
guys. I believe that influenced those two eps giving 
those tracks more of a harder edge/breaky edge. Here
are the four Porter Ricks Force Inc eps:

. Porter Ricks: Vol 1 12" (Force Inc)
. Porter Ricks: Vol 2 12" (Force Inc)
. Porter Ricks: Exposed 12" (Force Inc)
. Porter Ricks: Spoil 12" (Force Inc)

Like you, i prefer the earlier Porter Ricks stuff on
Chain Reaction. 

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states