Re: (idm) insync vs. mysteron

Sent Tue, Oct 14th 1997, 06:45

In a message dated 10/14/97 5:11:47 AM, (Eric Frans)

>} btw, has anyone heard or know anything about the Insync vs. 
>} Mysteron:Android Architect (Tenth Planet) full-length lp?
>        This is a *very* solid album.  The closest comparison I can make
>is Influx's album _Unique_ on Rising High -- moody, well-constructed
>mid-tempo IDM.

i found it to be nothing like Influx... an insult to Influx I think.
i found it to be pretty boring... nothing really distinguishable between
tracks, etc.  not IDM... at least not by definition that the list sets...
just my opinion.
 (and you know what is said about opinions...)

np: silk saw - a perfect human brain