(idm) Come To Daddy EP lyrics???

From Sebestyen Dezso
Sent Wed, Apr 29th 1998, 23:46

Hi everyone,

Could someone tell me the lyrics of songs on the 8trk Come To Daddy EP?
(except for Come To Daddy itself, the lyrics for this one is in the CD
booklet, at least my copy has it... hehehe)

Please if you feel you could help me, write me privately, this is not to
be shared with the list. (I don't want to disturb anyone with this.)

Thank you.

The M@@Kid was speaking...

    :=====;=;:     -------------------------------------------------------
   ;WWWWWXWWWWI     <<<The M@@Kid a.k.a Sebi>>>     (original since 1977)
    =iii;XWMWWW;    Transfer speed: 100 characters/sec. Case iNSeNsiTivE>
        RWW IWWM    Closing all open streams. Misc info: xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx
      ,MWYi  iWWI  .elte.hu or xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxxx.xx. No homepages yet.
      XX;     iWW: (read L->R) BAR CODE 52169382495 Ending Transmission...
               =BI -------------------------------------------------------