Re: (idm) Will "Mealtime" be released in the US?

From jjdavis
Sent Fri, Jan 9th 1998, 13:55

On Wed, 7 Jan 1998 15:00:45 +0000 (), "Nate Harrison \[Toshok
Laboratories\]" <> said:

>I would wait anyway, it's not that great. It's alright, worth having I
>suppose, but not like "I need it right now" type of stuff. The tracks
>border on annoying drillnbass stuff, and the AFX is pretty weak, it
>doesn't sound anything like what he's been turning out lately, nor does it
>sound like older material.
i agree that there are a few tracks on this comp that make a good point
that drillnbass as a genre has pretty much run it's course, but there are
also a couple of pretty sweet tracks on here.  

i think the RDJ track surprisingly is the strongest track on the
collection, an upbeat high steppin' orchestral number laid over wicked
normal speed breaks.  MP contributes one very weak UB style mix and a tasty
mix of brace yourself.

jega , elton fastbrooke and mould also make nice contributions.  not
essential, but if it ain't comin' out stateside, go ahead and get the hut
UK import.

np:  riddimisriddim: kaotic harmony


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