(amb) FAX trade/sale update

From Geoffrey Elgey
Sent Fri, Feb 13th 1998, 00:18


Just a little update on my FAX trade/sale of the other day, sent to the
lists rather than to everyone who responded:

* I've got a few titles left, and had some juicy offers, so if I haven't
accepted anything it's because I'm probably hanging out for "Shades Of
Orion 1". Preference will be given to any such offer.

* I'll be away all next week, starting from later on today, so if I'm slow
replying to your offers/questions please forgive me. I should have e-mail
contact though, so hopefully I can respond sometime.

* That also means I probably won't ship anything until I return. 


>>PS08/36 Atom Heart - "Orange"
>>PS08/27 Atom Heart - "Couer Atomique"
>>PS08/40 Dr Atmo & Olivier Leib - "Music To Films"
>>PS08/43 Tetsu Inoue - "Ambiant Otaku"
>>PK08/88 Pete Namlook - "Namlook III"
>>PK08/88 Pete Namlook/Dr Atmo - "Escape" 2CD
>>Note: I have more than 1 copy of each.
>>My 'wants' list is at: http://www.fit.qut.edu.au/~elgey/wants_list.html -
>>mainly older FAX stuff & some box sets. But I'm open to all suggestions, so
>>please feel free to offer something else if interested.