Re: (idm) 1991-92

From Michael Upton
Sent Fri, Jun 26th 1998, 05:03

Christopher Fahey wrote:

|   I mean, how much drum and bass/breakbeat/big beat can you listen to
| before it loses it's novelty?

Novelty? Whether or not you mean to, you describe this kind of stuff as if
it's a fad and like the stuff you like isn't. I'd suggest that's something
of a bias on your part. This is pop music we're talking about, and I
wouldn't have it any other way. Please, no flames - I mean "pop" as in it
doesn't come from an academic tradition, and is just people tinkering away
with the noises that move them...

(And, yeah, I prefer the artists you list to most drum n bass.
Particularly hate that drill'n'bass or whatever. Urrrgh. If you're gonna
be fast and fiddly, head for the dance floor at least :-) 

| And who's doing music in the tradition the aforementioned artists were
| practicing in 1992 (actually, I'd say BoC is to a certain extent, and
| some of Squarepusher's less hectic stuff does too). What happened to
| melodic, dancy, trippy dub? Beat-oriented ambient? 

What about B12? I thought they were still plugging away. Yeah, and BoC as
you say. Funkstorung? Pole? Nonplace Urban Field? Sun Electric? All of
these have _some_ fast rhythms on top of things, but none have either big
sampled beats or fit my idea of drum n bass.

If you are just thinking about clean synth sounds, and blatantly drum
machine percussion sounds, I'm damn happy to think those things are dying! 


"You know what? I'll call him Jet Jaguar..."

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