(amb) Pulusha - Isolation EP

From Brian Gause
Sent Tue, Mar 10th 1998, 22:11

Greets all...

I don't know who knows what about this, but I thought I'd leave a quick 
review.  I bought this on a rumor that it was Middleton/Pritchard and it looks 
like that's true.  It's two tracks:

1  Isolation Part 1  (11:30)
2  Isolation Part 2  (8:24)

Simply beautiful.  For those of us whose knees buckled with 76:14 (or 
Pentamorous), this is definitely a step into that world once again.  I've been 
unimpressed with their recent house projects (because I don't like house, not 
even a little) and I'm not a big drum 'n' bass fan, but this is the most 
brilliant stuff I've heard in a long while.  It's deep and slow and definitely 
worth finding if you liked their ambient work.
