(idm) re: warphlex

From Turbo
Sent Sat, Oct 18th 1997, 07:47


Just a short note to let all Sydney-siders know Luke Slater is playing
out at Sublime on Wednesday the 29th of October.

As well as this aside:

> > c) pop? dmx krew is mind numbing, bubblegum, pop bullshit. 
> Yes yes yes, finally someone on the list with enuff balls to be 
> critical of a REPHLEX release!!! (I like dmx tho:)

Read the archives!! People on the list have bashing them for years 
especially the likes of Jon Drukman (who's infamous or it :). 
<No offence intended Jon - I happen to agree with some of it>

Go back and read the slagging off of AB4, Gentle people, etc. Not too
mention the antics and tom-foolery that went down when Richard and Grant
were on the list. They couldn't stand the heat they left. :)

Rephlex ain't the be all and end all if this type of music... in fact 
the evolution of other quality labels like Skam, Musik Aus Strom, Drop
Beat, Worm Interface and Dot means Rephlex's and Warp's rein have well
and truely ended <IMHO>. 

That's what i like about this sort of music.. it's evolution is so rapid
no one person or company can claim title to it. ( eg, unlike the motown
sound, etc)

Btw, i'm not saying that Warp or Rephlex ever claimed to be the bees
knees... they had their moments and still might but now there is a 
myriad of other labels doing their own stuff some of which when taken
in the present-day context is better.

