Re: (idm) KUCI net broadcast down...

From Andrew Larson
Sent Fri, Feb 26th 1999, 01:51

>9-5 Superspy wrote:
>> I don't pay squat for peachfuzz right now, and to set up realaudio would
>> cost too much. (I know you can get the PC version for fairly inexpensive,
>> but is an old sparcstation). An MP3 (or more accurately 2 or
>> 3 MP3's) would be really easy to post.
>Dan, you're missing the point.
>You don't need to stream the Real Audio file.  Just encode it and leave
>it for d/l, just like an mp3.  That way, the file is smaller and you can
>leave in *all* the music so people can hear it, which is why you do a
>'music' radio/net show, rather then a 'talk' radio/net show.

hmm... last time i checked, the real server software was free for a version
that's limited to 60 simultaneous streams (or something similar).  of
course, you could use "http streaming" w/o setting up a real server at all.
or, as brock sez, a direct link to an .ra file would do (downloading rather
than live streaming).