(idm) Re: Mask MP3s

From lwtcdi
Sent Thu, Jan 15th 1998, 21:34

> oh, and as far as the mask stuff being mp3ized, what's the big deal? if 
> they made 100 copies, and those 100 copies were all paid for, what 
> difference does it make? they've made all the money that they should 
> have expected to make from them. if they had printed more, i'm sure that 
> they would have undoubtedly sold more, and made more money. but as the 
> print run is done, there's really no more money for them to make off of 
> it.

I agree totally, expect for one small thing. What the bet that they'll
eventually they'll bung out all the 12"s or on CD (or a compilation of
some of the tracks - probably through Warp or someone) to cash in on the
hype that has been generated by the limited singles? When this happens,
obviously they're gonna want as little people to have heard them/already
got them so that they can sell more copies on the back of what are
supposedly amazing records (I dunno, I haven't heard them - but I
suspect they're at least somewhat overrated). Surely what they're really
worried about is the MP3s taking a chunk out of their profits for the
comp, otherwise why would they care - more people are hearing their
otherwise unavailable music. Fair props to Skam, they are a small label
who don't have huge finances, and any money they do make with probably
go straight back into the label, but I personally believe that if you
can't listen to a release in the shop (and you can't - 'cos they just
aren't in stock) there's nothing wrong with downloading MP3s. It quells
the hype and allows you to listen to the music for what it is, and then
decided whether you'd want a copy even if you *could* get hold of one.
100/200 copies of a release is a ludicrous amount to put out. They knew
this when they did it, financial restraints or not...

/TheW   i  http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/lwtcdi/all/  
f   o L D  
o dlr WTC     "Let's decompose and enjoy assembling!"