RE: [AH] Envelope generators, triggers and gates

From Tim Burgess
Sent Mon, Apr 23rd 2018, 08:06


I accidentally replied to Olivier, not the list, so you won't have seen =
that my 3 AD generators are provided by a Maths (channels 1 and 4) and a =
Mother-32 - not a sustain or release in sight:). I'm satisfied that my =
understanding was correct, so it's a patching error somewhere, which =
isn't a big surprise.

Best wishes.

Tim Burgess

-----Original Message-----
From: Florian Anwander <xxxxxxxxx@xxxx-xxxxxx.xx>=20
Sent: 23 April 2018 08:59
To: 'analogueheaven' <>
Subject: Re: [AH] Envelope generators, triggers and gates

Hi Tim

> for percussive sounds (i.e. an Attack, Decay envelope) a trigger is=20
> all that=E2=80=99s required for the envelope to complete its shape.

Its important to remember, that the receiving module decides how the two =
triggers, which form a gate, are used.

For your percussive sound you need a dedicated AD-Envelope like the =
Maths or the Intellijel QuADra or the A-143. Those start their envelope =
and let it run until the end - no matter whether they receive the end of =
the gate before the end of the envelope or not.

If you have a classical ADSR-envelope like the Doepfer A-140, it will =
always stop after the end of the gate. That means if the sum of the =
attack and decay time is longer than the gate duration, the decay will =
be interrupted (at least if you did not set a release identical to the =
decay time).


Am 23.04.2018 um 09:11 schrieb Tim Burgess:
> Florian,
> OK, that fits with my understanding, which is reassuring. Looks like=20
> I've got something else going awry with my patch, so it's back to=20
> fiddling some more.
> Best wishes.
> Tim Burgess
