Re: (idm) Phthalocynine tacos

From 9-5SuperSpy
Sent Wed, Apr 29th 1998, 02:32

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Danny Wyatt wrote:

> Man, you west coasters are nuttier than ever.  Papaya salsa?  Let's
> just get back to the music.

You don't know what you're missing. Ever tasted the ambrosia known as the 
tacos de salmon? It's kinda like crack, one taste and you just can't stop.
I've already had two fish tacos today, and I can't wait for salmon tacos
tommorrow night...


    Listen to "Space Disco for Fish Tacos", KUCI 88.9fm Wednesdays 8-10pm
    New Space Disco For Fish Tacos web site:
 "We're not talking about music. Fuck music, this is Taco Mesa... Music is
   just something we do until we get hungry and can go back to Taco Mesa"
                                                              -Alex Graham