Re: (idm) while on f242..

From grey
Sent Tue, Dec 9th 1997, 21:29

On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Xenoid wrote:

> Does anybody have any opinions/review on the front 242 remix cd that came
> out a while ago? I heard an underworld remix (track was happiness I
> think?) which was quite good and the track listing had a number of
> interesting looking remixes, but I'm not sure it's worth the twenty-some
> dollars I've found it for. 

 This CD is one of those things which I present to people as "This is
 Front242 - but it's good, really, listen to it!" It's got some really
 good tracks on it, it's probably my favourite 242 release of late.

 The tracks have considerably more complexity than early 242 stuff,
 and for those who are put off by industrial-style vocals, the vocals
 are by far and large mixed out. There are some very hard-hitting 
 danceable tracks here, with enough depth to definitely bear up to
 repeated listenings.

 It's quite cohesive as a unit, as well.

 If you already like Front242, this is really a must-have. If you are
 iffy on them, it's well worth giving a chance, as it's a diversion from
 their old work, and even really from Up Evil and Off.

 I would defeinitly reccomend it. I payed about $17USD for mine, maybe
 6 months ago. I have heard here and elsewhere that there is now a US 
 release of this - probably orderable at your local record shop.


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