(idm) Black Dog/Plaid

From Eric Frans
Sent Wed, Dec 10th 1997, 19:31

} >1)Is Balil just Mr Ken Downie, or am I losing it? Or was he Xeper? Just
} >working out if all the talent is in Plaid or not!!? :-)
} Balil is Ed , Ken is Xeper, and Andy is Atypic....

        This brings up a related question... After listening to Plaid's
_Not For Threes_ I hear a lot of similarities between my favorite Black
Dog album _Temple Of Transparent Balls_.  This leads me to believe that
Ken's input may have been minimal on that particular release.  Does anyone
know if that's the case or not?  Just something I've been thinking about

E r i c   F r a n s ----------------------
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