(idm) Toronto: tonight!

From Greg Clow
Sent Sat, Oct 24th 1998, 15:56

Hey! Just a reminder about the l'il event that I'm throwing tonight,
featuring sets from our wonderful IDM listmaster Teep, and his lovely wife
Jen (DJ Pooh). It promises to be a great night, with Jen opening with a
set of jazz, followed by us boyz mixing things up well 'n' proper: Teep
has promised some weird d'n'b and electro; I'll be closing the night with
some thick ambient, dark dub/breaks, Skam/MaS/VVm/etc style stuf, and so
on; and the other two guys, well, we'll see what they do.

Anyway, here's the info. And don't forget, it's Teep & Jen's anniversary
today, so wish 'em a good one!

                    electronic - experimental - eclectic

                     dj teep (beyond the qe2 - boston)
                              dj pooh (boston)
                              didi7 (toronto)
                   todd nickolas (adsr/onasia - toronto)
                greg clow (feedback monitor/N-TAC - toronto)

                         saturday, october 24, 1998
           shaman's closet @ clinton's, 693 bloor st. w., toronto
                             9:00 pm to 3:00 am
                          five dollars at the door


        E3 is an N-TAC (not the ambient collective) affiliated event